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National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014

Titel: National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014
Artikelnummer: 9789521360046
Form: Mjukband
Tillgänglighet: Leveranstid 1-3 vardagar
Pris: 38,90 € (35,36 € moms 0 %)

Förlag: Utbildningsstyrelsen
Serie: Oppaat ja käsikirjat 5 Publications 5
Upplaga: 3. upplaga, 2020
Utgivningsår: 2021
Språk: engelska
Antal sidor: 508
Produktgrupp: Opetussuunnitelmien ja tutkintojen perusteet
Skolnivå: Yrkesutbildning
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The core curriculum for basic education is a national regulation issued by the Finnish National Agency for Education, on the basis of which the local curricula are drawn up.

The purpose of the core curriculum is to provide a common ground for the local curricula and thus promote equality and equity in education and the rights of the pupils within the whole country. The core curriculum supports and steers the provision and implementation of basic education.

The national core curriculum contains the guidelines for the provision of education as well as the objectives and key contents of instruction. The core curriculum also addresses development of the school culture and cooperation, implementation of education, instruction and guidance, support for learning, pupil welfare as well as assessment of learning. To support the work of the education providers, the core curriculum also contains references to the legislation that underpins the norms laid down in this document and the field of basic education as well as guidelines for preparing the local curricula.

Annexed to the core curriculum are the recommendations for the objectives and contents of instruction as well as assessment of pupil's learning in three subject syllabi (sámi language, roma language, and pupil's own mother tongue) that complement basic education.

The National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014 has been published also as a digital publication, ISBN 9789521362590. It can be ordered from